Our mission is security and convenience

Our Story
Why GiraffeDoc
GiraffeDoc was developed as a way for you to request personal information from someone, receive it and share it, in the most secure way. GiraffeDoc was initially designed for the Automotive Industry in response to the FTC Safeguard Law implementation “You shall protect by encryption all customer information held or transmitted by you both in transit over external networks and at rest. (Title 16;Chapter I; Subchapter C; Part 314.4; Section C3”), however, we found that our model could be expanded to any type of business that needed a secure way of receiving customer person information, financial records, or medical histories. Additionally, we found that most web services don’t provide true end-to-end encryption. However, all market themselves as encrypted.
Security by Design
In designing GiraffeDoc, we knew that the upload page needed to be simple, fast and easy to use for your customers. We wanted to have a minimal number of clicks with incredibly fast speeds. For the client site, it needed to be easy to navigate while also providing clients the ability to restrict access to only those who would need access to this information, however it could not compromise on security. Our client portal requires Username, Password, and MFA access to be able to view the customers uploaded sensitive information. We didn’t want to just provide a link that could be compromised or accessed by any rogue employee, ISP, or government along the way.
Encryption is at our Heart
Many web services, like Dropbox, don’t offer end-to-end encryption. They transfer your data over an encrypted tunnel that keeps it safe as it is sent over the internet, but when it arrives at their servers, they promise to store it encrypted. However, what they don’t include in their marketing is that they hold the keys to that encryption. Every major provider is designed so that they can unlock your data whenever they want to whoever needs to see your data. Encryption isn’t really encryption if they’ll give it to anyone who requests it.
Enhanced End-to-End Encryption for Sharing
With true end to end encryption data is encrypted on your device, at the start point, and decrypted at the end point with the same private key. As that data gets transported from ISP servers to ISP servers along the way, they have no access as they don’t have the keys to unlock what that data contains. We designed GiraffeDoc so that a private key is generated on your customers device and used to fully encrypt your files. When your customer shares that data, a new key is derived from your public key and the customer’s private key. As the data is sent over the internet it’s unreadable to anyone who may intercept it. The private key never leaves your customers device, a combination key is transmitted with the data when your customer shares that information with you and you receive the combination key, when you view the data your private key, on your devices, and the combination key decrypt the data, so your device can decrypt that information. GiraffeDoc never sees your customer or your key, and we don’t want to see it. We can’t read your data, no one can but your customer and you.
Why Enhanced Encryption is needed
GiraffeDoc knew that their clients would be transmitting the most sensitive personal information thru our platform and wanted to provide the highest level of security for that information. We wanted to safeguard the information that you shared from governments, rogue employees, and hackers (data breach). Additionally, GiraffeDoc found that standard encryption protocol, often provided by browsers, was not adequate for compliance with the FTC Safeguard Laws. When GiraffeDoc asked for a specific definition of encryption from a FTC representative, they would not answer what The Safeguard Law is defining as encryption, so we went to the max level.
Developed in Dealerships, but not just for them
GiraffeDoc was developed inside of Automotive Dealerships, but not exclusively for Automobile Dealerships. Our Beta client testing was inside of an Automotive Dealership. With their input we designed GiraffeDoc for simple uploading and receiving of any and all information that might be needed in the process of financing a loan. While in development we realized that our simple solution would have an impact in other industries where there might be a need to get last minute personal information digitally with the need for security as a priority.
Being Different is Great!
GiraffeDoc was created to bring end-to-end encryption to consumers and enterprises. GiraffeDoc works for large scale Automotive Dealerships or for small medical practitioners. Today’s internet is all about how two applications exchange data with each other, GiraffeDoc is different, we are about how two people exchange data with each other!